01684 234267
Professional Marquee Installation for Crown Oak at the Kelmarsh Show

Professional Tradeshow Marquee Installation for Crown Oak at the Kelmarsh Show

May 2, 2024

As the Kelmarsh Show approached, our team was once again proud to partner with Crown Oak, a regular customer whose trust in our marquee services speaks volumes about our dedication to excellence. Known for their exquisite craftsmanship in oak furniture, Crown Oak required a marquee setup that reflected their brand’s sophistication and quality. Here’s how we ensured their exhibition space at the Kelmarsh Show was both functional and stylish.

Planning and Coordination

The collaboration began with our usual detailed planning phase, which involved fine-tuning the specifics of the marquee installation according to Crown Oak’s particular needs. This ongoing partnership has enabled us to build a profound understanding of their expectations and requirements, streamlining the coordination and setup process.

Marquee Selection and Features

For this event, we opted for a spacious and robust structure that could comfortably house Crown Oak’s extensive range of oak furniture. The clearspan marquee, measuring impressive dimensions, was selected for its large open space, free of internal poles, which is ideal for showcasing large items like furniture.

  • Hard Flooring with Carpet: To enhance the elegance of the interior and provide a stable foundation for the furniture, we installed hard flooring topped with plush carpet. This not only improved the overall aesthetic but also ensured a level surface for furniture display, essential for showcasing handcrafted pieces.

How to find the Kelmarsh Show

Kelmarsh Hall,

Call us today to discuss your marquee and event hire needs 01684 234267
