01684 234267
Marquee Installation for Birmingham Scout Association at Blackwell Adventure Centre

Marquee Installation for Birmingham Scout Association at Blackwell Adventure Centre

May 2, 2024

Providing the perfect outdoor setting for events is part of what we excel at, and our recent collaboration with the Birmingham Scout Association at Blackwell Adventure Centre was no exception. Tasked with setting up a marquee for a scout event that promised days filled with activities and camaraderie, we focused on delivering a robust and welcoming environment suited for both the youthful energy and the diverse needs of the attendees.

Preparation and Planning

Our journey began with understanding the specific requirements of the Birmingham Scout Association. Given the dynamic nature of scout activities, the marquee needed to be both spacious and versatile. The planning stage involved several consultations with the organisers to ensure every detail was covered, from the number of attendees to the specific activities planned.

Choosing the Right Marquee

The choice of marquee was crucial. We opted for a large, durable marquee that could easily accommodate group activities, dining, and general gatherings. The structure was designed with high ceilings to enhance the sense of space and openness, which is always a bonus for energetic scout events.

Installation at Blackwell Adventure Centre

Blackwell Adventure Centre, with its expansive grounds and beautiful natural scenery, provided an ideal backdrop for our installation. Here’s how we managed the setup:

  • Site Inspection: The first step upon arriving at Blackwell was a thorough site inspection. We assessed the terrain and finalised the positioning of the marquee to ensure it was both centrally located for easy access and situated on stable ground.
  • Efficient Setup: Our team, skilled in quick and effective marquee setups, managed to erect the marquee a day before the event. This efficiency is crucial in ensuring that the event organisers had ample time for any additional preparations.
  • Interior Configuration: The interior of the marquee was set up to facilitate a variety of activities. Tables and chairs were arranged to accommodate dining and project work, while leaving ample space for movement and other group engagements.
  • Safety Protocols: Given the nature of the event, particular attention was given to safety. All materials used were fire-resistant, and the structure was secured to handle any unpredicted weather changes, a must in the British outdoors.

Reflecting on the Event

The feedback from the Birmingham Scout Association was overwhelmingly positive. The marquee not only met but exceeded their expectations, providing a safe, functional, and comfortable space for the scouts to enjoy their activities. This event highlighted the versatility and reliability of our marquee services, tailored to meet the unique demands of every client.


The successful deployment of our marquee services for the Birmingham Scout Association at Blackwell Adventure Centre stands as a testament to our dedication to quality and client satisfaction. We are proud to have contributed to an event that played a crucial role in fostering growth, learning, and adventure among young scouts. We look forward to continuing our support for such enriching community activities and are always ready to adapt our services to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Call us today to discuss your marquee and event hire needs 01684 234267
